Live-Ink – a literary revolution; making stories come alive

Many thanks to Nicola Carley who found time – whilst launching a new publisher, Live-Ink – to write the following guest blog for LWC, telling us all about her new venture.

Have you got a great novel under your belt, confident it’s good but can’t find an agent? Looking for ways to get your book out there but unsure where to start? We can help and make sure you get financially rewarded for your time but more than that, we’ll make your story come alive.
What are we looking for? Audible voices. Experimental narratives. Originality. Stories told using sentences that sparkle. We promise, not to categorise you by a genre. Instead, we’re looking for work that moves the reader, feeds their imagination but that above all, is very well written.

The benefit to you is that we give you higher royalties for your work than any other organisation (55% of profits from books as well as merchandise and other products). This is because we aim to create a cross over between art and commerce without harming your integrity. We create opportunities for corporates to link up with us without being able to influence your writing.

Additionally, we will look to promote you and your work as heavily as possible, launching you amongst other writers, encouraging reviews in the press and getting journalists along to events. Using our site as a vehicle for selling your work means that you’ll also get the clout of being given the seal of approval by our brand.

Our first event will be in conjunction with The Brick Box on the 26th February in Tooting. We hope to launch you there!

Submission Guidelines for Live Ink

What are we looking for?
Books that are really well written. Books with gripping storylines that take you on white-knuckle rides. Books that may not appeal to a hugely commercial audience but which cover subjects that matter.  It could be fictional or autobiographical, political or graphic novel or a satire on a self-help manual.  Whatever it is, it must make us want to keep on turning the page.

To give you an idea, what turns us off is:
·    most chick lit
·    most traditional crime fiction

What would turn us on:
·    writing tapping into women’s issues

·    crime writing that dips into science and psychology and steam punk fiction.
What counts as a book? Work between 50,000 and 150,000 words long.

We will also accept Novellas of between 20 and 40,000 words.

Stories can be emailed to and must be either 2,500 words or 5,000 words.
It must not have been published already (excluding you publishing it yourself that is) and it must be written in English. It must not have already received extensive media coverage.
You must be over 18 years of age.
Has it been proof read and edited? If it’s full of typing and grammatical errors, the likelihood is that we won’t be interested.

What to submit
Your entire book.  Yep.  We will read it…the whole thing that is, therefore the whole thing needs to be finished. It needs to be sent to us in print with the lines double spaced.
A synopsis of your story which needs to be no longer than 250 words.
A short biography of no longer than 250 words.
Get it?  Then get submitting.  We look forward to reading.
Take at look at the website:

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