LWC talks to Miranda Glover, author and co-founder of Queenbee Press

We were delighted this week to be able to speak to published and self-published author, Miranda Glover.
Miranda has published three novels with Transworld; Masterpiece, Soulmates and Meanwhile Street. She also works as an editor and online producer. Queenbee Press is a collaboration she set up 2 years ago with 5 other emerging and published women writers, to create a new, independent publishing space. They are revolutionising the image of self publishing and creating a very different way to do things. They call themselves The Contemporary Women Writers’ Club. The Leap Year is their first publication, a collection of 12 short stories, launched on November 26th. It has been getting intense media coverage in all media, from The Telegraph to The Mail to The Sun, with everything in between.  
We asked Miranda some quickfire questions, including:
1/Why did you start Queen Bee Press?
Because we decided to create a new, independent space for emerging women writers to showcase their work. The online environment makes this possible, print on demand makes it financially viable and collaboration between writers ensures quality control. 
2/As a published author, how did the self publishing process differ for you?
There are no advances! Also, for me, this is a second channel, not a replacement. I have fantastic publishers for my novels, Transworld. I have a new novel out this autumn called Meanwhile Street and they have supported me brilliantly. I see Queenbee as a way to write short fiction, to encourage other women writers (I love to teach) and to experiment with less commercial propositions and forms, such as the novella and the short story.
3/What are the advantages of self publishing? 
Independence is interesting, the high-sale margins are not relevant, and the internet makes international sales possible. 

4/What are the advantages of traditional publishing?

Great experience from your editors, mainstream distribution, financial support and the growth of your reputation. 

5/Is it important that you wrote as a group of writers?

Essential; the collaborative aspect of The Contemporary Women Writers’ Club is key to the success of this first collection, The Leap Year. We conceived it together around my k itchen table, we drafted it together, we edited it together, we proofed and printed it together. Critical collaboration has been empowering for us all. 

6/What are your future plans for Queen Bee Press?

We are bringing out a second collection next November and want to encourage other writers’ groups to follow our model. We may produce a writing programme fr groups to follow, from concept to publication, and the opportunity for other emerging women writers to publish through our imprint too. We have great support from the media and women in the publishing world. 

7/Who [author] would you like to invite round for tea?

Graham Swift, Kate Atkinson, Ian McKewan and Maggie O’Farrell – now that sounds like a great combination. I might even make a cake! 

8/What are your secret writing rituals?

Write and rewrite, write and rewrite, write and rewrite. 

9/How do you see the publishing industry changing in the next five years?

Advances will become even harder to win, independence will become more central to the process, the high street booksellers will continue to shrink and suffer, the online environment will continue to growand become more specialised. Social networking will become central to marketing. Ebooks will become more popular, but so will print on demand publishing. International, niche marketing will become more critical and the booktrade will start to look more like the music industry. 

10/What top tip would you give to an unpublished author?

Remember your reader. 




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