Top tips for a great submission letter

June’s event with literary agent, Emma Finn, was inspiring and informative. One subject we touched on was the submission letter and how to make it compelling for the agent. Emma gave us six top tips:


1/Get the name right – amazingly, lots of submissions come in with the incorrect name.
2/State the genre, length (word length) and title.
3/Pitch – one line.
4/Tell us about the central drama, the characters and why we should care.
5/Brief biog. Relevant writing – competitions etc.
6/Indication of research – why are you writing to the agent – have you read an article they wrote, read any of their clients’ books etc.


Our next event is with an editor – Kate Adams of Aster (imprint of Octopus). Join us to find out how editors commission books and the process from commission to book.


We will be sending out the vid clips of Emma’s event shortly, receive these and all vid clips of events (plus free event tickets) by joining the club here. 

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