Twitter for writers
Social media is just one of the ways to get noticed by agents and publishers. Be it blogging or tweeting – or both , find the right cocktail for you and it will help you to reach out to other writers and industry professionals. At London Writers’ Club, we have found colleagues, writers and complete strangers on Twitter – oh, and by the way, you don’t just have to talk about writing.
So how can Twitter help you?
1/You are writing – you are learning your craft. As the writing is limited on Twitter, you have to learn to write carefully, concisely and be entertaining.
2/Its a great source of information about the publishing industry – editors, agents, publicists, marketing people – are all on Twitter.
3/You can hang out with other writers – be part of a bigger force.Get hints and tips and be inspired.
4/Start to slowly promote and market your book but remember it is not a marketing tool.
5/If you are writing a blog at the same time, you can direct traffic to your blog. Often its the blog that showcases your writing.
6/Learn about writing communities and events through Twitter – by following online stuff, you can link it in to ways to connect in real time and place.
The Twitter Consultancy (run by LWC member, author and blogger, Ben Johncock) provides a one-to-one consultancy aimed at writers, agents and publishing professionals who either want to get started on Twitter or who want to get better at Twitter. He has an intimate knowledge of the UK book trade and is a very funny man.
If you are new to Twitter – or even if you’re not – stop by and say ‘hello’ to LWC at @writersclub