Writerly news for February

Writerly news



February is all about independent publishers for LWC.

We’ll be talking to indies, finding out what they are looking for and our speaker at the LWC event is Sarah Norman, of Atlantic Books.

Writing as Bette Davis says, ‘ain’t for sissies’, ten top tips from Australian writer and journalist, Susan Johnson.

The power of reading, ‘I dare you all to test your strength: open a book’,read this Chuck Jones letter on the brilliant Letters of Note site.

Literary agent and co-founder of LWC, Jacqueline Burns, takes the Bookish Half Dozen with Ben Johncock.  Find out what her guilty, pleasure books are and what she just doesn’t get.

LWC November 2011 event’s speaker, Jessica Leeke, of Simon & Schuster, pre-empts Typhoid Mary title.

Find out how writer Will Le Fleming secured a deal with indie publisher, Xelsion Publishing in his guest blog for LWC.


Listen to this interview with Stewart Ferris of Summersdale Publishers, a brilliant indie publishing house.



Dates for the Diary

10th February: Write with an Agent: Full details here.

21st February: LWC event with Sarah Norman of Atlantic Books.

2nd March: 1-2pm Members Exclusive Writers’ Surgery: members exclusive teleconference – join us for an hour of free advice from the comfort of your sofa. Email us if you’d like to join this.



Final Word

And finally, watch this wonderful video, The Joy of Books, (via Joe Pickering, publicity king of Penguin).

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